Yo is a proud chain-smoker who never hides his love for weed. Always riding high, you'll find him puffing away everywhere he goes.


Yo is a chainsmoker, he doesnt even hides, that he loves weed.

Always on high, everywhere.

At every 100$ buy Yo smokes another joint.

Keep him high as fuck

Yo likes chillin' at the beach

Girls likes partying with Yo

And the biggest stars also likes Yo

how to buy

Ready to take the leap with $SOLANA? Here’s how you can join the madness:

Purchase $YO on Solana using pump.fun or wait for it to hit the bonding curve on Raydium.


Minimal frame in rectangle

Total supply:

Minimal frame in rectangle

Tax: 0/0

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Chain: Solana

Original pumpfun launch

With the biggest memecoins

ever created

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